
Empowered People

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Thought Comes Before Speech

Óta Kté (Plenty Kill), was a Sicangu and Oglala Lakota author, educator, and actor. He proclaimed that "thought comes before speech" when commenting on traditional Lakota customs. It was an act of utmost respect.

To grant each other a moment of pause to formulate an educated response said: You are valued. You are heard.

We at Z Amaze believe many of the same values and teachings of Óta Kté, as well as many other great Native American leaders. We believe in empowering our Native people just as they did through education, inspiration, and well-being.

Who We Are

Z Amaze is a Diné and Black owned business founded by Jasmine and Aaron. Our company name stems from our Diné culture and love of science. The scientific name of one of our ancestral foods, naadą́ą́' (corn), is Zea mays.

Aaron and Jasmine, co-owners of Z Amaze